24 Feb 2021
Artificial Intelligence for Clinical Decision Support and Increased Revenues
Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector can prove to boom if it is appropriately leveraged. By using AI and Machine learning, many clinical decisions are optimized efficiently. This technology can work seamlessly with other radiology and imaging technology systems like PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System).
Even the Radiology Society of North America conducted their conference over COVID-19 third wave through the virtual presence. The brands like Konica Minolta Healthcare highlight the advancements in the AI segment by focusing on two areas like clinical decision support for imaging and increased revenue through Natural Language Understanding.
Why Integrate AI with Radio Imaging?The advancements in clinical decision support will help in immediate healthcare delivery, help the physicians flag the potential problems by watching patients' radio imaging and making more medically oriented decisions. By integrating the PACS radiology software and the PACS imaging software with AI, the physicians can make efficient decisions with these tools, and clinical decision support will become more comprehensive.
The AI will prove helpful because it will sort out the unintuitive interface and clinical burnouts that sometimes affect the clinical decision support system. The integration of these systems with AI will help radiologists get a suite of tools to improve their radiology practices. It is seen that most of the reputed PACS provider uses the highest security standards to help hospitals transfer the radio imaging of their patients to other clinics or doctors for informed decisions.
The providers use Web Application Firewall technology to transfer the imaging of the patients securely. The long and short-term archives are used to store and retrieve the images. An NCBI report on the COVID-19 crisis shows that AI-based tools are limited to date, and clinical decision support has become a challenge for many hospitals. Due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, several questions have been posed on the access and workflow in the healthcare sectors.
Many hospitals do not possess radio imaging tools or servers to transfer the information to other doctors or clinics. It shows that AI readiness is an important goal to cater to the healthcare challenges emerging in the present times.
So, it is paramount for the hospitals to transfer the patient's report through a well-knit software system to help with faster clinical decisions. The clinics can use the PACS server software and radio imaging software from Medicasoft Apps to save on unnecessary costs and increase their revenue in the long run too.
Want to learn more and how Medicasoft PACS software can be of your future proof medical infrastructure? Schedule a free consultation with Medicasoft expert at medicasoftapps.com or by calling +1 (888) 701-7861.